HumanInsight The perceived need for evidence-based COVID-19 management and Tele-education in the North-East region of India: a cross-sectional survey
J Community Health. 2022 Aug 4. doi: 10.1007/s10900-022-01076-6. Online ahead of print.
Due to the sudden rise in the cases of COVID-19 in the North-Eastern region of India, this study was conducted to survey the felt needs of the medical professionals with regards to education on the evidence-based management of COVID-19. A total of 25 North-East leaders were recruited and a baseline survey was conducted through the digital medium. Out of 25 North-East leaders, 52% were undergoing training in evidence-based medicine in the capacity-building program for evidence-based child health. Participants (48%) strongly agreed and 40% agreed on the possibility of enhanced care by capacity building in the areas of COVID-19 management through discussing cases. Out of 25 North East leaders, 48% agreed to join both as a speaker as well as a participant. Various priority topics on COVID-19 management e.g. childhood, adult, ocular manifestation, ICU management, telemedicine, vaccines, lab protocols, psychological distress, and treatment strategy have emerged. We have presented the findings of the survey which will help guide the mentoring program focusing on evidence-based management of COVID-19 in remote areas through Tele-education.
PMID:35925434 | DOI:10.1007/s10900-022-01076-6
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