HumanInsight The impact of telemedicine on the quality and satisfaction with the health care provided during the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of pediatrics with special reference to the surgical professions
Pol Przegl Chir. 2021 Sep 10;93(6):53-60. doi: 10.5604/01.3001.0015.2649.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced healthcare systems around the world to adopt telemedicine at an unprecedented rate. Visits to telemedicine have increased to provide access and maintain continuity of care. Internet access has almost become a necessity, and new technologies allow for the easy flow of data from patient to doctor and vice versa. Doctors of all specialties were forced to adapt to the pandemic and emerging conditions. The provision of surgical services and the learning ability of surgeons are particularly disrupted, and the pediatric surgical community is not exempt. During the pandemic, telemedicine proved to be a viable and safe technique for providing health services. In an environment of a health system that is constantly facing a shortage of resources, effective telemedicine placement can come with a high benefit-cost ratio and quality of care, while ensuring patient satisfaction.
PMID:36169539 | DOI:10.5604/01.3001.0015.2649
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