HumanInsight Improved parent self-efficacy following pediatric evaluation: evidence for value of a telemedicine approach in psychological and neuropsychological assessment
Clin Neuropsychol. 2022 Jul 12:1-18. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2022.2094835. Online ahead of print.
Objective: While considerable inquiry is currently underway into the comparability of psychological test results obtained in onsite/in-person settings versus telemedicine settings, there has been less attention given to the comparability of the impact/outcome of the assessment process across settings. The current quality improvement study conceptualized impact/outcome according to the model of Austin et al. and sought to determine whether the prior finding of increased parent self-efficacy following onsite neuropsychological assessment was also observed when psychological and neuropsychological assessment was conducted via a telemedicine modality. Method: In the course of standard care delivery, ratings from Austin et al.'s four parent self-efficacy items were obtained at time 1 prior to patients' assessment visits and then again at time 2 either (1) following their last assessment/feedback visit (the Complete Assessment group; n = 157) or (2) in the middle of the assessment process prior to the last planned visit (the Incomplete Assessment group; n = 117). Results: Analyses revealed significant findings for time and time × group. Parent self-efficacy ratings improved over time in both groups, with significantly higher ratings in the Complete Assessment group at time 2. When compared to reference means from the in-person/onsite Austin et al. study, ratings from the current study found comparable improvement in parent self-efficacy achieved via telemedicine assessment in the Complete Assessment group. Conclusions: These data support the use of telemedicine based psychological and neuropsychological evaluation and provide preliminary evidence that the impact/outcome is comparable with in-person/onsite assessment.
PMID:35819170 | DOI:10.1080/13854046.2022.2094835
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