HumanInsight Digital pathology all stars
J Pathol Inform. 2022 Jul 16;13:100125. doi: 10.1016/j.jpi.2022.100125. eCollection 2022.
Digital pathology plays an important role in accelerating the progression of healthcare and the potential benefits of adopting digital technologies have been solidly established. Despite this, real-world data suggest that a fully digital approach to the histological workflow has been implemented in a minority only of pathology laboratories. The e-learning event "Digital Pathology All Stars" was conceived by the University and Hospital Trust of Verona and comprised traditional lectures made by well-recognized experts in Digital Pathology from all over the world. The meeting aimed to promote the exchange of knowledge to support and strengthen digital pathology adoption and implementation.
PMID:36268076 | PMC:PMC9577047 | DOI:10.1016/j.jpi.2022.100125
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