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A Pilot Home-Telehealth Program to Enhance Functional Ability, Physical Performance, and Physical Activity in Older Adult Veterans Post-Hospital Discharge

HumanInsight A Pilot Home-Telehealth Program to Enhance Functional Ability, Physical Performance, and Physical Activity in Older Adult Veterans Post-Hospital Discharge

Res Gerontol Nurs. 2024 Nov-Dec;17(6):271-279. doi: 10.3928/19404921-20241105-01. Epub 2024 Nov 1.


PURPOSE: To test a pilot home-telehealth program to enhance functional ability, physical performance, and objective physical activity in Veterans after hospital discharge.

METHOD: A physical activity trainer and multidisciplinary team supported the progression of rehabilitation goals via a 6-month home exercise program. Pilot program feasibility, including recruitment, retention, reasons for early withdrawal, differences between those who did and did not complete the program, and completion of outcome measures are reported. Outcomes include changes in functional ability, physical performance, and physical activity (using actigraphy) from baseline to endpoint.

RESULTS: Twenty-one of 45 Veterans enrolled did not complete the 6-month program. No baseline differences were found comparing completers and non-completers. The majority of completers (n = 24) were White men with a mean age of 74 years (SD = 8 years, range = 64 to 93 years) and included those with no (n = 8), mild (n = 13), and moderate (n = 3) cognitive impairment. Although there were borderline improvements in functional ability and physical performance from baseline to endpoint, mean steps per day increased from 2,206 (SD = 1,780) to 3,888 (SD = 2,895) (p = 0.04).

CONCLUSION: The pilot home-telehealth program is feasible and may address declines in function and activity observed during hospital-to-home transitions, including among those with cognitive impairment. [Research in Gerontological Nursing, 17(6), 271-279.].

PMID:39589094 | DOI:10.3928/19404921-20241105-01

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